A revolution is under way. A rich economic period leads to a new philosophic moment. You were born to learn and it is your duty to keep on doing it. And you have to do it right away!
Mediolanum is a Positive Bank: the meeting with Jacques Attali at the LH Forum 2014 in San Patrignano.
Human Intelligence is the most valuable resource on Earth and is fed by Education.
Other thematic areas
Back to the World Business Forum. Once again, I will be on stage in one of the most important global business summits. This time we head to Mexico City, at the Expo Bancomer venue in Santa Fe.
A deep conversation with Patch Adams, discovering how he has become the iconic figure he is today.
The infographics about the social media feedback to my speech at the World Business Forum 2015 in Madrid.
Time has come for a new kind of Heroes. Here's my full speech at the World Business Forum 2015 in Madrid.